count Alpen Pass. Photo Sketch

A Happy New Year.

"Valley of the stop line Avers, Village Cresta"

Last year's travel went to the mountain pass and also many valley of a line stopping.

"Pass" is "Place of the civilization where the person, the thing, and information come and go".

"Valley of the stop line" is "bad luck, the motoring road was not made".

Juf village in Swiss is "people who live year round, the highest altitude village in the Alps area",
The center of the valley is Cresta of the Avers valley.

High altitude, and nature was severe .. that's people-friendly place.

And truly, it is an eco-friendly place or not ?

The earth is exposed to harsh environments, and I want to make thanks, to mother earth this year 2010.

T. & S. Kitamura. Jan. 1. 2010

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